Sermons by Rev. Dr. Scott Stephans

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August 9, 2020: “I Believe in Christ the Son”


Note: This recording does not include the scripture and begins with the sermon. Pastor Scott delivers the sermon “I Believe in Christ the Son” on Sunday, August 9, 2020. Scripture Reading: Galatians 4:1-7 NIV The Apostles’ Creed – Traditional Version  (UMH #881) I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in […]

August 2, 2020: “I Believe in God the Father”


Pastor Scott delivers the sermon “I Believe in God the Father” on Sunday, August 2, 2020. Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 8:1-6 NIV The Apostles’ Creed – Traditional Version  (UMH #881) I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by […]

June 28, 2020: “Rise Up Church and Speak Up”


Note about audio quality: Something changed between the computer and sound system.  I had to make several passes to amplify the sound and I did my best to filter out the noise/hum.  I am working on fixing it, but I have to find out what changed first.  Hopefully I will get it sorted out soon. […]

June 21, 2020: “Rise Up Church and Step Up”


Note about audio quality: Something changed between the computer and sound system.  I had to take several passes to amplify the sound and I did my best to filter out the noise/hum.  I am working on fixing it, but I have to find out what changed first.  Hopefully I will get it sorted out soon. […]

May 31, 2020: “Stand at the Gate and Cry: Fake!”


Note: Apologies for being late in getting this sermon posted.  Additionally, I failed to hit the record button fast enough and missed the scripture.  As usual, the scripture passage is posted below if you wish to read the passage before listening to the sermon. Pastor Scott delivers the sermon “Stand at the Gate and Cry: […]

May 24, 2020: “Speak Life”


Note:  Since North Bend UMC was not able to celebrate Easter in worship together due to Covid-19, we celebrated Easter on the first Sunday that we resumed public worship, May 24th.  Additionally, Pastor Scott references a video at the beginning of the sermon.  That video can by watched by clicking on this link: Pastor Scott […]